- Appliances & Electronics Store
- Artist & Art Dealer
- Book Store
- Clothing Accessory Store
- Computer Store
- Cosmetics and Beauty Store
- Gift and Souvenir Store
- Hobby, Toy, and Game Store
- Home Center
- Jewelry Store
- Men's Clothing Store
- Nursery and Garden Store
- Other Apparel Store
- Other General Merchandise Store
- Other Health and Personal Care Store
- Other Home Furnishing Store
- Other Miscellaneous Retail Store
- Other Specialty Food Market
- Pet and Pet Supply Store
- Sewing and Needlecraft Store
- Special Food Services and Catering
- Sporting Goods Store
- Women's Clothing Store
Artist & Art Dealer

Book Store

Clothing Accessory Store

Gift and Souvenir Store

Home Center

Jewelry Store
Men's Clothing Store

Nursery and Garden Store

Other General Merchandise Store
Other Specialty Food Market
Pet and Pet Supply Store

Sewing and Needlecraft Store

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store owner?
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